My journey with wanting to learn how to make money on Pinterest began in April 2019.
During this time, my Pinterest account had been up and running for 4 months and I was curious about whether people were making money on Pinterest.
I did my research and consulted with a lot of people all of who gave the obvious answer- starting a blog.
Prior to this, I had dabbled in freelance writing for some months, but I didn’t know anything about starting my own blog, let alone how to build a website.
I watched as many videos as I could and read equally as many blog posts. Within 2 months, I managed to get my website up and running and started doing this blogging thing.
I made the website in 3 days, it’s a pretty basic site. The site is what you’re looking at now.
Since then, I have learnt about and maximized all the different ways through which one can make money on Pinterest.
One such way is through Dropshipping. Only, I didn’t know anything about dropshipping.
Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock.
Instead, when a store sells a product using the dropshipping model, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.
Just like it’s customary to me, I set out on a journey to learn all about dropshipping.
Many at times, when I develop an interest in something I’m not knowledgeable on, I’ll read/watch as much as I can about the subject matter, implement and then test different strategies & methods until I get conversions.
And watch I did. I watched so many YouTube videos, I can probably recite most of them word by word.
Next came the Pinterest research phase. I’ve been fortunate enough to get to work with brands and clients in different niches.
My own personal Pinterest accounts are also in different niches.
This has enabled me to become really knowledgeable in the kind of Pinterest strategies that work for different types of accounts and how to fast track the growth and conversion process on each one.
I decided to go with a product in a niche I was familiar with. I noted down the number of people who were posting about the product, writing about the product and the number of videos there were for certain keywords about the product.
Now that I was armed with my research material, it was time to create my Shopify website.
You guessed it right, I made the Shopify website myself and only had to part with $5 for a Namecheap domain.
Getting someone to build a Shopify website for you can be quite expensive.
Well that, and I like a good challenge.
Within a couple of hours, my store was live. It definitely wasn’t as easy as I’m making it sound. Shout out to JRich who has a very detailed step by step videothat made everything really easy.
Now that my store was up and running (it still wasn’t live). It was time to find a vendor.
I went to AliExpress and did my research. The whole process took me a week before I found vendors whose products I was sure of.
I ordered one product and I loved the quality and shipping time. In hindsight, I should’ve probably done this part before building my website. But then again, this was a product I had a lot of confidence in.
If you’re a dropshipping guru, you’re allowed to scream at this part.
After going through the whole process of adding the items to my store, it was time to go live.
The only payment option available on my store at the time was PayPal.
If you know anything about PayPal, you know that things usually go really well with them or really bad.
Payment systems like stripe and the default array of payment methods that come with a Shopify store are not available in certain countries.
This was going to be a challenge, but I wasn’t going to let this dampen my spirit.
I went back to the Internet, did further research and found alternative payment methods that would work for the audience I was targeting.
I set up everything that needed to be set up, tried doing a test purchase and made sure that everything was good to go.
My work was still not finished.
It was now time to get to my favorite part. Setting up and growing the Pinterest account for my dropshipping store.
Like I mentioned earlier, this was a niche I was already familiar with so I won’t tell you how I had sleepless nights and tested 100 different strategies.
In fact in a record 10 days, my new account was already at 100,000 monthly viewers and I had already gotten a couple of sales.

All I had to do was utilize my Pinterest for E-commerce product image strategies, make use of shoulder niches, be consistent and gather all the keywords I was going to need.
My account only had about 20 followers or so at the time, which should show you how little followers matter on Pinterest and why you should consider making it one of your marketing channels if you haven’t already done it.
The sales kept coming in and in a month, I hit a record $2000 in sales.
This is definitely not a big number, I would’ve probably done way more than this if I had invested in a dropshipping course.
More time would’ve been spent on doing what I’m good at – Pinterest Marketing, and less time on trying to learn the how’s and why’s of what I wasn’t familiar with – dropshipping.
However, given that my initial investment was only $5 and $40 for the product I bought to test the quality, a profit of $1100 is not too shabby for a total newbie.
Looking to add Pinterest as one of your marketing channels, fast track your growth and conversion process or learn everything you need to know about Pinterest Marketing?
Grab the Pin your Way to Conversions E-book and avoid wasting as much time as I did trying to figure out the what, why’s and how’s of what you shouldn’t have to.
I also give you the full scope on all the Pinterest for E-commerce strategies you need to know and so much more.
I’m keen on seeing how many numbers I can using Pinterest once I jump back into dropshipping. I’ll write a blog post updating all of you with how everything goes.
If you’re wondering whether going the Pinterest route can be successful for a different type of product, I tested out the same strategies and I’ve had equally as much success with it.
The product is in the mom and baby niche. Yes, I’m going to tell you the niche.
Dare I say that you can drive traffic to anything and make conversions on Pinterest using the right strategies and methods.
Well, anything that’s within Pinterest’s best practices and community guidelines. You can quote me on this.
Dropshipping aside, it is virtually impossible to emphasize how powerful Pinterest is and why I believe a lot of Brands/Businesses are losing money by not being on Pinterest.
If you still aren’t using Pinterest for more than your daily personal account adventures, start now!